These examples of consumer proposals are typical of what most people will receive in a proposal. Your debts will drop dramatically, you make one low payment that you can afford, and at the end your out of debt. Call and let’s discuss your case and how we can help you.
Consumer Proposal Example 1
John, a 35-year-old Canadian, has found himself under a considerable pile of debt.
He owes $20,000 in credit card debt and has personal loans amounting to $25,000. Unable to manage his monthly payments, he’s now dealing with persistent collection calls and legal threats from his creditors.
He decides to speak to a licensed insolvency trustee about a Consumer Proposals. Together, they develop a proposal for the trustee to present to his creditors, which includes:
- five-year payment plan
- manageable monthly payment of $216/month.
- interest, penalties & additional charges are stopped
Once this proposal is negotiated and agreed upon, it becomes a legally binding agreement. John is now committed to making the agreed payments, while his creditors are barred from taking any further legal action against him.
In John’s case, his total debt was $45,000. Filing a consumer proposal reduced his debt to $13,000 and saved him $32,000. The $13,000 is payable over 5 years at about $216/month. With the Consumer Proposal, he reduced his overall debt by a whopping 70%.
Consumer Proposal Example 2
Meet Sarah: A Successful Professional Facing Unforeseen Financial Challenges
Sarah, a 42-year-old marketing executive in Toronto, has always been financially responsible. She owns a condo, has a stable job, and enjoys a comfortable lifestyle. However, life took an unexpected turn when her elderly parents fell ill, requiring her to take time off work and cover their medical expenses. As the costs piled up, Sarah found herself relying more and more on her credit cards and lines of credit.
Over time, Sarah accumulated $55,000 in unsecured debt, including $30,000 in credit card balances and $25,000 from a personal loan. Despite her best efforts, she struggled to keep up with the minimum payments, and the stress began to take a toll on her health and well-being. She feared losing her condo and was overwhelmed by collection calls.
Realizing she needed help, Sarah consulted a Kelly Dey an insolvency trustee at YanchDey to explore her options. They discussed the possibility of bankruptcy but ultimately decided that a Consumer Proposal was a better fit for her situation.
Here’s what they came up with:
- Three-year payment plan
- Reduced monthly payment of $450/month
- All interest, penalties, and additional charges were immediately frozen
Sarah’s proposal was a win-win for everyone. Her creditors agreed to reduce her total debt from $55,000 to $16,200—a 70% reduction—payable over three years at $450/month. Once accepted, the proposal became legally binding, ensuring that her creditors could no longer pursue her for the original amount or take legal action against her.
Not only did Sarah avoid bankruptcy, but she also retained ownership of her condo and began to rebuild her financial future with a sense of relief. The Consumer Proposal allowed her to regain control, with the peace of mind that she would emerge from this experience stronger and more financially secure.
As always, it’s important to remember that each Consumer Proposal is unique and tailored to the individual’s specific financial situation. The outcome may vary depending on the agreement reached with creditors.