If you do not qualify for an automatic bankruptcy discharge, the trustee will request the court to hear your application for discharge.
Before your discharge hearing, the trustee will prepare a detailed report. This report informs all parties about the circumstances of your bankruptcy, including an analysis of your financial situation, the causes of your bankruptcy, and your performance of bankruptcy-related duties required under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
It also reviews your conduct before and after the bankruptcy, any convictions under sections 198 to 208 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, and any other factors that could lead the court to refuse your discharge.
Based on this report, the court can decide to:
- Grant an absolute discharge
- Grant a conditional discharge
- Suspend (delay) the discharge
- Refuse the discharge
Call YanchDey today and speak with a trustee about obtaining a bankruptcy discharge to relieve your debts.